Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Net Generation

The Net generation with all their gadgets have a much easier life and a lot more entertaining! The don't have to walk to the library to research information, or unfold a map over and over to get directions, or search for a phone booth to make public call.  Some of them have never seen a phone booth.  They live in a world of advanced technology, multitasking, and social networking,  A world with the internet, cell phones, GPS, ipads, and Facebook.  They are technological savvy and are accustomed to instant gratification.  Although I enjoy all the new technology, I wonder if it all came tumble down - referring to technology - would they be able to cope.  If they didn't have a GPS would they be to distinguish north, south, east, and west.

The Net generations rely heavily on technology.  As they become more and more tech savvy there is a strong possibility they will become weal in the traditional skills. I believe as educators, we must maintain a fair median, not leaning to far way or the other.

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